Unclaimed / Unpaid Dividend
Check about the details of Unclaimed / Unpaid Dividend here. The details of the Unclaimed / Unpaid Dividends are to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF).
Click here to Check your Dividend by entering your Demat / Folio Id
Sr.No | Financial Year | Date of Dividend Declaration | Last Date for claiming the Dividend |
1 | 2017-18 | 10.08.2018 | 09.09.2025 |
2 | 2017-18(Bonus 2018 Fractional Entitlement) | 27.09.2018 | 26.10.2025 |
3 | 2018-19 | 19.07.2019 | 18.08.2026 |
4 | 2019-20 | Not Declared as per RBI Circular Dated 17.04.2020 | NA |
5 | 2020-21 | 11.08.2021 | 12.09.2028 |
6 | 2021-22 | 03.08.2022 | 02.09.2029 |
7 | 2022-23 | 23.08.2023 | 22.09.2030 |
8 | 2023-24 | 14.08.2024 | 17.09.2031 |
In case you have any unclaimed dividend(s) / refund order in respect of the financial years mentioned above, please write to the below address for claiming the respective amounts before the due date mentioned above i.e Before the due date to transfer the respective unclaimed dividend to IEPF.
The Karur Vysya Bank Limited,Regd & Central Office,
No. 20, Erode Road,
Vadivel Nagar, L.N.S.,
Karur - 639002.
Tel : 04324 - 269441
E-mail: kvbshares@kvbmail.com