Composition of Board
The Board of the Bank is governed and constituted in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder, provisions of Section 10A(2) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, SEBI LODR, the Articles of Association of the Bank and the extant guidelines issued by the Regulators from time to time in accordance with the best practices in Corporate Governance.
1. | Dr Meena Hemchandra Non-Executive Independent (Part-time) Chairperson |
2. | Shri B Ramesh Babu Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer |
3. | Shri R Ramkumar Non-Executive Non-Independent Director |
4. | Shri K G Mohan Non-Executive Independent Director |
5. | Dr Harshavardhan R Non-Executive Independent Director |
6. | Shri Murali Ramaswami Non-Executive Independent Director |
7. | CA Dr Chinnasamy Ganesan Non-Executive Independent Director |
8. | Shri R Vidhya Shankar Non-Executive Independent Director |
9. | Shri J Natarajan Executive Director |
10. | Smt. Srimathy Sridhar Non-Executive Independent Director |
11. | Shri Sankar Balabhadrapatruni Executive Director |
Committees of the Board
The Committees of the Board are constituted to deal with specific areas / activities as stipulated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, SEBI LODR and the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. It plays a crucial role in the governance structure of the Bank and are entrusted with particular matters that require more focused attention.
Board constitutes and functions with 10 Committees namely as under:
Members of the Committee w.e.f. 21st January 2025
Shri B Ramesh Babu, MD & CEO
Members :Shri R Ramkumar
Dr R Harshavardhan
Shri Murali Ramaswami
Shri J Natarajan, ED
CA Dr Chinnasamy Ganesan
Members :Shri R Ramkumar
Shri K G Mohan
Smt Srimathy Sridhar
Dr R Harshavardhan
Members :Dr Meena Hemchandra, Chairperson
Shri B Ramesh Babu, MD & CEO
Shri R Vidhya Shankar
Shri J Natarajan, ED
Dr Meena Hemchandra, Chairperson
Members :Shri B Ramesh Babu, MD & CEO
Smt Srimathy Sridhar
Shri R Vidhya Shankar
Shri J Natarajan, ED
Shri R Vidhya Shankar
Members :Shri B Ramesh Babu, MD & CEO
Shri R Ramkumar
Shri K G Mohan
Shri J Natarajan, ED
Shri K G Mohan
Members :Dr Meena Hemchandra, Chairperson
Shri Murali Ramaswami
Shri Murali Ramaswami
Members :Shri B Ramesh Babu, MD & CEO
Dr R Harshavardhan
CA Dr Chinnasamy Ganesan
Shri J Natarajan, ED
Shri K G Mohan
Members :Dr Meena Hemchandra, Chairperson
Shri B Ramesh Babu, MD & CEO
CA Dr Chinnasamy Ganesan
Shri J Natarajan, ED
Shri B Ramesh Babu, MD & CEO
Members :Dr Meena Hemchandra, Chairperson
Dr R Harshavardhan
Shri Murali Ramaswami
Shri J Natarajan, ED
Shri B Ramesh Babu, MD & CEO
Members :CA Dr Chinnasamy Ganesan
Shri R Vidhya Shankar
Smt Srimathy Sridhar