KVB Rent Fin

If you are a property owner and require a loan against your rent receivables, then KVB has a suitable loan for you. You can enjoy the benefits of future rent receivables today with our Rent Fin Scheme. This loan is a multi-purpose loan which can be used for business expansion, working capital requirements, personal needs, etc.,

Features and Benefits
  • Finance against future rent receivables from commercial properties where lessees are reputed firms/corporates and rentals are not < Rs. 50, 000/- per month.
  • Property owners - Individuals / Proprietorship / Partnership Firms / Corporates / Trusts / Registered bodies / HUFs who have let out the property for lease in Metros / Urban / Semi-Urban centre are eligible.
  • Lease deed to be registered.
  • The guarantor of the loan will be partners, directors or any other authorized person deemed fit by KVB.
Terms and Conditions
  • Commercial properties that are free from encumbrance, let out on a lease basis only are eligible. Residential properties (Independent House & flat), under lien to PSUs, Govts. and Banks are eligible.
  • The lessee should be a reputed corporate, bank, Fl, Govt. or Subsidiaries, in existence for a minimum period of 5 years and making a profit for the last two years.
  • Tax, Insurance and maintenance are the responsibility of the owner.
  • The owner of the property (lessor) is to execute the power of attorney in our favour (KVB) to collect Rent.
  • The owner shall undertake to pay installments and interest if the tenant fails to pay rent.
  • The requirement of the written loan agreement between the owner of the property (lessor) and the lessee covering at least the loan repayment period and irrevocable amounts during such period is a must.
Charges and Limits
Loan Amount Minimum of Rs. 5 Lakhs.
Margin 25% on net lease rent receivable.
Margin on security 40% of the value of the property offered as collateral security.
Primary Security Assignment of Rent receivables.
Collateral Security EM charge on Building property - the rentals of which has been discounted for.
Repayment Up to 120 months or unexpired period of lease whichever is less.
Interest Rate
  • The applicable Rate of Interest (ROI) is linked to the Credit Score / Rating.
  • For details please refer the section on Interest Rates.
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