Audited Financial Results | Quarter & Year ended | 31-3-2024 | KVB

Audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Year ended 31st March 2024

(Rs. In Lakh)
Particulars Quarter ended Year ended
31-03-2024 31-12-2023 31-03-2023 31-03-2024 31-03-2023
Audited Unaudited Audited Audited
1. Interest earned (a+b+c+d) 218457 213938 176832 820394 651655
a) Interest / discount on advances / bills 182240 179373 146092 684183 532695
b) Income on investments 35365 33930 29239 133101 109913
c) Interest on balances with Reserve Bank of India & other interbank funds 364 431 1086 2205 8260
d) Other interest 488 204 415 905 787
2. Other income 62885 35779 40081 165869 115894
3. Total income (1+2) 281342 249717 216913 986263 767549
4. Interest expended 118911 113809 87574 439474 316774
5. Operating expenses (i+ii) 75740 68318 55434 263875 203196
    (i) Employees cost 43975 37473 28065 146103 100596
    (ii) Other operating expenses 31765 30845 27369 117772 102600
6. Total Expenditure (excluding provisions and contingencies) (4+5) 194651 182127 143008 703349 519970
7. Operating profit before provisions and contingencies (3-6) 86691 67590 73905 282914 247579
8. Provisions (other than tax) and Contingencies 29341 14971 29301 72895 103893
9. Exceptional items - - - - -
10. Profit from ordinary activities before tax  (7-8-9) 57350 52619 44604 210019 143686
11. Tax expense 11740 11456 10822 49538 33077
12. Net profit from ordinary activities after tax (10-11) 45610 41163 33782 160481 110609
13. Extraordinary items (net of tax expense) - - - - -
14. Net profit for the period (12-13) 45610 41163 33782 160481 110609
15. Paid-up equity share capital (FV Rs.2/- per share) 16088 16076 16041 16088 16041
16. Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserve 987920 842364
17. Analytical Ratios
  (i) % of shares held by Government of India - - - - -
(ii) Capital Adequacy Ratio-Basel III (%) 16.67 15.39 18.56 16.67 18.56
(iii) Earnings per share (EPS) 1 (Rs.)
     a) Basic EPS before and after extraordinary items  5.67 5.13 4.21 19.99 13.81
     b) Diluted EPS before and after extraordinary items  5.67 5.12 4.20 19.97 13.78
(iv) NPA Ratios
     a) Gross NPA 104164 115186 145815 104164 145815
     b) Net NPA 29797 30527 46815 29797 46815
     c) % of Gross NPA 1.40 1.58 2.27 1.40 2.27
     d) % of Net NPA 0.40 0.42 0.74 0.40 0.74
(v) Return on asset (annualised) (%) 1.76 1.65 1.50 1.63 1.27
18. Net worth 2 980282 954260 837867 980282 837867
19. Paid up debt capital/ Outstanding debt 3 (%) - 16.27 34.01 - 34.01
20. Debt/equity ratio 4 0.07 0.11 0.05 0.07 0.05
21. Total debts to total assets 5 (%) 2.35 2.91 1.59 2.35 1.59

1 - EPS not annualised for the quarter.

2 - Net worth is calculated as per guidelines given under RBI Master Circular on Exposure Norms.

3 - Outstanding debt / Total debts represent total borrowings of the Bank. Debt represents borrowings with residual maturity of more than one year.

4 - Equity represents total of share capital and reserves less proposed dividend.

5 - Total assets as per Balance Sheet.

(Rs. In Lakh)
Business Segments Quarter ended Year ended
31-03-2024 31-12-2023 31-03-2023 31-03-2024 31-03-2023
Audited Unaudited Audited Audited
Segment Revenue
1. Treasury 58120 38277 35734 167984 124680
2. Corporate/Wholesale banking 47382 45265 39551 174149 157607
3. Retail banking 170902 163735 139933 633516 480325
    a) Digital Banking 1 - 1
    b) Other Retail Banking 170901 163735 139933 633515 480325
4. Other banking operations 4938 2440 1695 10614 4937
Total 281342 249717 216913 986263 767549
Segment Results
1. Treasury 27861 10225 13113 58446 41538
2. Corporate/Wholesale banking 13617 13394 14674 52426 55097
3. Retail banking 49465 49608 51181 193840 171785
     a) Digital Banking (12) (10) (41)
    b) Other Retail Banking 49477 49618 51181 193881 171785
4. Other banking operations 3716 1820 1290 7978 3734
Total 94659 75047 80258 312690 272154
Less: Unallocated income/expenses 7968 7457 6353 29776 24575
Operating profit 86691 67590 73905 282914 247579
Tax expense 11740 11456 10822 49538 33077
Other provisions 29341 14971 29301 72895 103893
Net profit from ordinary activities 45610 41163 33782 160481 110609
Extraordinary items - - - - -
Net profit 45610 41163 33782 160481 110609
Segment Assets
1. Treasury 2311896 2164373 1937886 2311896 1937886
2. Corporate/Wholesale banking 1567949 1562461 1387959 1567949 1387959
3. Retail banking 5798800 5617348 4925455 5798800 4925455
    a) Digital Banking 2 2 2
    b) Other Retail Banking 5798798 5617346 4925455 5798798 4925455
4. Other banking operations - - - - -
5. Unallocated 879875 942649 766642 879875 766642
Total segment assets 10558520 10286831 9017942 10558520 9017942
Segment Liabilities
1. Treasury 2147669 2034860 1769206 2147669 1769206
2. Corporate/Wholesale banking 1408343 1403205 1252671 1408343 1252671
3. Retail banking 5208500 5044702 4445801 5208500 4445801
    a) Digital Banking - - -
    b) Other Retail Banking 5208500 5044702 4445801 5208500 4445801
4. Other banking operations - - - - -
5. Unallocated 789998 846171 691859 789998 691859
    Total (a) 9554510 9328938 8159537 9554510 8159537
Capital employed (Segment assets - Segment liabilities)
1. Treasury 164227 129513 168680 164227 168680
2. Corporate/Wholesale banking 159606 159256 135288 159606 135288
3. Retail banking 590300 572646 479654 590300 479654
     a) Digital Banking 2 2 2
    b) Other Retail Banking 590298 572644 479654 590298 479654
4. Other banking operations - - - - -
5. Unallocated 89877 96478 74783 89877 74783
    Total (b) 1004010 957893 858405 1004010 858405
Total segment liabilities (a+b) 10558520 10286831 9017942 10558520 9017942
For the above segment reporting, the reportable segments are identified into Treasury, Corporate/Wholesale banking, Retail banking (Digital Banking & Other Retail Banking) and other banking operations in compliance with RBI guidelines. The Bank operates only in India.
RBI, vide circular dated 7th April 2022 on establishment of Digital Banking Units (DBUs), has prescribed that reporting of Digital Banking Segment has to be made as a sub-segment of Retail Banking Segment under Accounting Standard 17 – Segment Reporting. The Bank has commenced first DBU on 19.06.2023 and segment information disclosed above is related to the said DBU for the quarter/year ended 31st March 2024.
(Rs. In Lakh)
Particulars As on 31.03.2024
As on 31.03.2023
Capital and Liabilities
Capital 16088 16041
Reserves and surplus 987920 842364
Deposits 8911272 7663758
Borrowings 247835 143201
Other liabilities and provisions 395405 352578
Total 10558520 9017942
Cash & balances with Reserve Bank of India 558793 427948
Balances with banks and money at call and short notice 7064 41565
Investments 2234352 1880832
Advances 7366748 6313414
Fixed assets 43288 43504
Other assets 348275 310679
Total 10558520 9017942
(Rs. In Lakh)
Particulars Year ended 31-03-2024
Year ended 31-03-2023
Cash flow from/(used in) operating activities
Net Profit as per Profit and Loss account 160481 110609
Adjustments for
Depreciationon Bank’s property 10026 10566
Interest paid on TIER II bonds 5501 5820
Provisions for other contingencies 10842 18503
Provision for taxes 49538 33078
Provision for depreciation on investment (25461) (1188)
Provision for standard assets 4474 3451
Provision for bad and doubtful debts 42766 71700
Provision for non performing investments 14813 10238
Provision for compensation absences 7264 588
Amortization of premium paid on Held to Maturity (HTM) investments 10362 10757
Provision for employees stock option plan / scheme 341 170
(Profit) /Loss on sale of fixed assets (net) (783) (104)
Operating profit before working capital changes 290164 274188
Adjustments for working capital changes
(Increase) / Decrease in investments (excluding HTM investments) (232613) (58130)
(Increase) / Decrease in advances (1095896) (918127)
(Increase) / Decrease in other assets (40565) (89758)
Increase / (Decrease) in deposits 1247514 815157
Increase / (Decrease) in borrowings 153333 9292
Increase / (Decrease) in other liabilities and provisions 18969 68599
340906 101221
Direct taxes paid (45500) 20500
Net cash flow (from)/ used in operating activities 295406 121721
Cash flow from investing activities
Purchase of fixed assets (9810) (6222)
(Increase)/Decrease in HTM investments (120621) (120902)
Sale of fixed assets / other assets 783 104
Net cash flow from / (used in) investing activities (129648) (127020)
Cash flow from financing activities
Proceeds from share capital 46 41
Proceeds from share premium 785 767
Increase/(Decrease) in tier II bonds (48700) -
Interest paid on tier II bonds (5501) (5820)
Dividend paid (16044) (12793)
Net cash flow from / (used in) financing activities (69414) (17805)
Net Increase/ (decrease) in cash & cash equivalents 96344 (23104)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 469513 492617
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 565857 469513


1) The above financial results for the quarter / year ended 31st March 2024 have been recommended by the Audit Committee of the Board and approved by the Board of Directors at the meeting held on 13th May 2024. The same has been subjected to audit as per listing agreement with the stock exchange by the Joint Statutory Central Auditors of the Bank in line with SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosures Requirements) Regulation, 2015 as amended and an unmodified audit report has been issued.

2) The figures for the quarter ended 31st March 2024 and 31st March 2023 are the balancing figures between audited figures in respect of the full financial year and the published year to date figures upto the end of the third quarter of the respective financial year.

3) In the quarter ended 30th June 2023, the Bank had introduced a floating provision policy with effect from 1st April 2023 in line with RBI master circular on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining Advances duly approved by the Board of Directors. In accordance with policy, the Bank has created a provision of Rs.2500 lakhs each in last 4 quarters. Floating provision created is considered as part of Tier II capital. Apart from the new policy on floating provisions, there has been no change in the accounting policies followed in the preparation of the financial results for the quarter and year ended 31st March 2024.

4) The financial results are prepared after considering provisions for non-performing advances, non-performing investments, standard advances(including stressed advances/sectors), restructured advances, floating provision on standard advances, exposures to entities with unhedged foreign currency exposure, income tax(including litigated taxes as applicable) and other necessary provisions.

5) Other income includes fees earned from providing services to customers, commission from non-fund based banking activities, earnings from foreign exchange transactions, selling third party products, profit on sale of investments (net), recoveries in written off accounts, profit on bullion business etc.

6) As per RBI Master Direction (Transfer of Loan Exposures ) Directions , 2021 SR investments more than 8 years have to be classified as Loss assets - Non Performing Investments (NPI). As per RBI Direction on Financial Statements - presentation and disclosure (30.08.2021) depreciation on investments have to be classified under other income. During the March quarter, we have reversed Rs. 157 crores of such SR investments provision resulting in increase in other income and treated the same amount as provision for NPI under provisions. However, there is no impact on net profit on account of this.

7) During the quarter and year ended 31st March 2024, the Bank has allotted 5,77,186 equity shares and 23,23,535 equity shares respectively (corresponding quarter and previous year 11,02,701 equity shares and 20,41,791 equity shares respectively) of face value Rs. 2/- each, pursuant to the exercise of stock options by employees.

8) Details of disclosure on resolution plan implemented under the Resolution Framework for COVID-19 related stress as per RBI Circular DOR.No.BP.BC/3/21.04.048/2020-21 dated 6th August 2020 (Resolution Framework 1.0) and as per RBI circular DOR.STR.REC.11/21.04.048/2021-22 dated 5th May 2021 (Resolution Framework 2.0) "Covid-19 Related Stress of Individuals and Small businesses" are given below:

(Rs. In Lakh)
Type of borrower Exposure to accounts classified as Standard consequent to implementation of resolution plan – outstanding as at 30.09.2023 Of (A), aggregate debt that slipped into NPA during the half-year Of (A), amount written off during the half-year Of (A), amount paid by the borrowers during the half-year1 Exposure to accounts classified as Standard consequent to implementation of resolution plan – outstanding as at 31.03.2024
Personal Loans 38342 1532 - 3478 33332
Corporate persons* 15577 - - 3165 12412
Of which MSMEs - - - - -
Others 2737 - - 369 2368
Total 56656 1532 - 7012 48112
* As defined in Section 3(7) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
1Represents Net Movement in Balances

9) Details of loans not in default / stressed loans transferred / acquired under RBI Master Directions DOR.STR.REC.51/21.04.048/2021-22 dated 24th September 2021 (updated as on December 28, 2023) on transfer of loan exposures are given below:

a. Loans not in default acquired through assignment

(Rs. In Lakh)
Particulars Quarter ended 31st March 2024 Acquired from Year ended 31st March 2024 Acquired from
SCBs, RRBs, UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, AIFIs, SFBs and NBFCs (incl. HFCs) ARCs SCBs, RRBs, UCBs, StCBs, DCCBs, AIFIs, SFBs and NBFCs (incl. HFCs) ARCs
Aggregate principal outstanding of loans acquired 5534 - 22330 -
Aggregate consideration paid 4981 - 20097 -
Weighted average residual tenor of loans acquired 109.43 months - Ranging between 19.70 to 112.95 months -
Coverage of tangible security 224.16% - Ranging between 168% to 224% -
Retention of beneficial economic interest by the transferor 10% - 10% -
Rating wise distribution of loans acquired Not Applicable* - Not Applicable* -
* - loans acquired are under non-corporate category

b. Loans classified as NPAs and SMA transferred.

(Rs. In Lakh)
Particulars Quarter ended 31st March 2024 Transferred to Year ended 31st March 2024 Transferred to
ARCs Permitted transferees Others ARCs Permitted transferees Others
No. of accounts 1 - - 2 - -
Aggregate principal outstanding of loans transferred 3767 - - 4065 - -
Weighted average residual tenor of the loans transferred - - - - - -
Net book value of loans transferred (at the time of transfer) - - - - - -
Aggregate consideration 725 - - 887 - -
Additional consideration realized in respect of accounts transferred in earlier years - - - - - -
Excess provision reversed to the P&L a/c. on account of sale of NPA 725 - - 887 - -

c. The Bank has neither transferred any stressed (SMA) loans & loans not in default nor has acquired any stressed loans / loans classified as NPA acquired during the quarter / year ended 31st March 2024

d. Recovery Ratings assigned to outstanding SRs as on 31st March 2024 by Credit Rating Agencies:

(Rs. In Lakh)
Rating Scale Book Value
RR1 6441
RR1+ Nil
RR2 5973
RR3 Nil
Unrated 96
Unrated* (Rating Withdrawn) 25333
Total 37843
*As per RBI guidelines, rating is not applicable after 8 years

10) Provision Coverage Ratio as on 31st March 2024, calculated as per RBI guidelines is 94.85% (92.14% for the corresponding period of previous year).

11) The Board of Directors have recommended a dividend of 120% i.e. Rs.2.40 per equity share of Rs. 2.00 each for the year ended 31st March 2024 (previous year 100% i.e. Rs.2 per share) subject to the approval of the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. Effect of proposed dividend has been reckoned in capital adequacy ratio computation.

12) In accordance with RBI circular DOR.CAP.REC.15/21.06.201/2023-24 dated 12th May 2023, read together with RBI circular DBR.No.BP.BC.1/21.06.201/2015-16 dated 1st July 2015, Banks are required to make Pillar 3 disclosures under Basel III capital regulations. Accordingly, Pillar 3 disclosures under Basel III capital regulations will be made available on the Bank’s website at the following link, including disclosures in respect of Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) as per RBI circular DOR.No.LRG.BC.40/21.04.098/2020-21 dated 5th February 2021 read together with circular DBR.BP.BC.No.106/ 21.04.098/2017-18 dated 17th May 2018. These disclosures have not been subjected to audit/review by the Statutory Central Auditors.

13) On March 12, 2024, the Bank has exercised call option and redeemed Basel III compliant Tier II Bonds (ISIN: INE036D08015) of Rs. 48700 lakhs after obtaining approval from RBI.

14) The ratios and other information which are to be disclosed as per Regulation 52(4) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, have been disclosed to the extent considered applicable.

15) Figures for the previous period/s have been re-grouped / re-classified, where necessary, to make them comparable with current period figures.

Place: Karur
Date: 13th May 2024
For and on behalf of Board of Directors
B Ramesh Babu
DIN: 06900325
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